Wow, we've had a long week. First, Bryson got croup for the second time this year. Croup isn't fun for any baby, but it's especially hard on Deano. He ended up on steroids and breathing treatments, going into retractions, and staying at Nana's to avoid contact with Jay. I can't express how much I hated having him sick and not with me. I tried to be in both places as much as possible, and luckily my mom was able to take some time off work and my mother-in-law came to help. Which was good since Chris also came down with a bad bug and had to stay at Nana's. Jay still got a bug, but it was mild (not to say it didn't still scare me.) No sleep and lots of worry adds up to an unreasonable mom. Because Bryson was so sick as a baby, I now feel panicky about Jay coming down with anything and the resulting anxiety gets the better of me far too often lately. A friend and I were talking the other day about the extreme worry that comes with becoming a mom. It seems to be a worry no one can prepare you for.
So fast forward to last night. Jay is having poopy diaper after poopy diaper. There is never a lot in any one diaper but it is causing enough wiping that his butt is beginning to bleed from literally being wiped raw! I have tried any creams I can find (A+D, Burt's Bees, Desitin). Today, I am trying to avoid wiping him; instead, spraying him off with water seems to be the only answer. I would greatly appreciate any tips from you mom's out there.
Well, just as sleep begins to find me, I hear Kiley yell, "Mom!" I go to her aide as she is throwing up everywhere! Ahhh! Well, after a few hours of throwing up, she seems to be on the mend. Now, we are trying hard to stop it from invading the rest of family. Namely Deano. The virus he is still battling has made him loose weight he didn't need to loose. Yikes, more worry!
In the midst of all this, I would like to give a shout out to my husband. He has been so great. I am so lucky to have this wonderful man in my life. He really is fantastic. Thank goodness for really great husbands.
Last I would like to leave a picture of what I saw today when I looked out the window. Ryan and Bryson are becoming such great friends. I love to look outside and watch Ryan talking to his little bother and showing him the ropes in this life. I feel sad that I didn't have siblings to share those quiet times with; although, there are days I feel lucky to have avoided the fighting involved. I am also posting a couple of updated pictures of Jay! He is such a beautiful baby! I don't mean to brag, but he's too cute to not show off a little.