Thursday, December 27, 2007

Stay Tuned

Sorry, we are in the process of settling into our new home, but stay tuned and we will post some pics real soon!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's the craziest time of the YEAR!

I feel so overwhelmed!

Saturday we are having a yard sale; it's taken 3 weeks to prepare for it, and I really hate yard sales. There are always those people that show up at 4:30 in the morning, and what do you do with all the stuff that doesn't sell. We'll take it to the dump, but that feels so wasteful. Why am I worried about throwing away garbage? It doesn't make any sense.

Next Wednesday, our house should be done!!! Next Friday, I want the town inspector and our appraiser to come inspect it so we can move in ASAP. I can't wait, but I must be crazy to move all of my Christmas stuff! I feel like I've waited and waited; there is just NO way I can wait any longer. Every time I walk in, I feel like I'm dreaming! It is so beautiful! Thanks to good friends, the colors all came together well; I think! The only part I'm not looking forward to is the payment! Ouch! Growing up is no fun! My loan will close the Thursday after Christmas; how scary!

Christmas is in less than two weeks! Thankfully, I am done shopping! I love Christmas, and it will be awesome to spend it in my new home. It's Bryson's first Christmas, and I know it's just another day to him, but it's awesome to his mommy! I love to watch my kids counting down the days. It still makes me excited to watch them tear off those construction paper chains! Kiley tears the red; Ryan tears the green!

So, in the midst of all this, my stomach started hurting yesterday, and the doctor thinks my gallbladder is going haywire. I need an ultrasound. If it is that, I have to get my stinkin' gallbladder out! What! It turns out if you are female and have children you increase your risk! Does that seem fair? Seriously, what do the men have to do? They don't have childbirth, cramps, excess fat from pregnancy, stretchmarks, and the older they get the more mature and sexy they are supposed to be. Meanwhile, women get old, fat, and wrinkly. What is that?

Well, it is the most wonderful time of the year, and the craziest, happiest, grouchiest, time too. But, none of that matters. It only matters that it is Christmas, and Christmas is a blessing for so many reasons.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Merry Christmas from PLS

Check out my husbands Merry Christmas greeting! You can go to . I want to do one for my kids.